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The Range to Which Consumers of food are Aware of the Practices of Fraud and Deceptive Marketing: A field study in the city of Latakia

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 نشر من قبل جامعة تشرين مقالة
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث اقتصاد
والبحث باللغة العربية
 تمت اﻹضافة من قبل امانة التحرير مجلة جامعة تشرين

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This research aims to identify the range of awareness of fraud practices and deception in the areas of marketing item, price, promotion and distribution, and to study the differences in the level of awareness of these practices according to variables of gender, age and academic qualification. To achieve the objectives of the research, a questionnaire is designed and distributed to (271) consumers in Lattakia City. After deep analysis and study, the following conclusions have been reached: The consumers in Lattakia City are fully aware of fraud and deceit regarding the product, price, promotion and distribution.There are no statistically significant differences among the levels of food consumers’ awareness of the practices of fraud and deceit regarding the variables of gender and age.There are statistically significant differences in the levels of food consumers’ awareness of practices of fraud and deceit regarding the variable of academic qualification. The higher their academic qualifications are, the more the consumers are aware of these practices.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The research aims to identify the role of organizational culture in reducing resistance to change of the employees through a study of the relationship between the dimensions of the organizational culture, and the reasons of resistance change by emplo yees working in Lattakia City Council. To achieve the objectives of the research, a questionnaire was designed and distributed to (343) employees in Lattakia City Council, (315) questionnaire were complete and valid for statistical analysis, with a response rate of (91.84%). Relying on multiple regression, the following results were reached: 1. There is a strong inverse relationship which is statistically significant between the elements after the containment and interdependence of (empowerment, staff development, teamwork and participation), and a reeducation of the resistance of workers to change, wherever after containment and coherence elements are available, there is a decline in the causes resistance of workers to change.2. There is strong inverse relationship that is statistically significant between the elements after the consistency and uniformity of working (core values​​, agreement, coordination and integration), and a reduction of resistance workers to change, i.e. when elements after consistency and homogeneity are availed, they lead to a decline in the causes of workers resistance to change.3. There is strong inverse relationship which is statistically significant between the elements of the human aspects (respect and appreciation, justice, encouragement achievement, and social welfare), and the reeducation of workers resistance to change, i.e., whenever there are elements of the human aspects, there is a decline of the causes of workers resistance to change.4. There is strong inverse relationship which is statistically significant between the elements after the organizational climate of (administrative practices, rewards, communications, and surveillance system), and the reduction of workers resistance to change, i.e., wherever after the organizational climate elements are available, there is a decline in the causes of workers resistance to change.
The research studies the current state and policy of the Joud company as an example of the resultant impact of the food industry adopting for social responsibility in marketing: packaging, physical distribution, promotion and dealing with the case of concession. The research adopts the descriptive method and develops a questionnaire for collecting the preliminary data comprising the research samples. This questionnaire has been handed to be filled by a staff of (123) employees with responsibilities covering marketing, distribution, promotion and packaging. The fully answered questionnaires count to 118 leading to a response rate of (95.93%). The most important search results are represented in: 1- Joud company for food industries adopt the social responsibility in marketing related to packaging with a high degree and with a relativity importance reached (78.384%). 2- Joud company for food industries adopt the social responsibility in distribution related to packaging with a high degree and with a relativity importance reached (77.288%). 3- Joud company for food industries adopt the social responsibility in promotion related to packaging with a high degree and with a relativity importance reached (69.152%). 4- Joud company for food industries adopt the social responsibility in dealing with the case of concession related to packaging with a high degree and with a relativity importance reached (77.458)%.
The study aimed at determining the extent of the company's commitment to social responsibility according to the following areas: Social responsibility towards: community, environment, auditors, employees, shareholders, government, suppliers, competit ors, The study was based on the Descriptive Methodology. The research society included all the employees of Joud Trading Company, which numbered (860) workers and workers. The sample size was determined by the statistical sample law. The sample size was 266 workers, (231) complete and valid for statistical analysis, with a response rate of (86.84%). The researcher used data processing SPSS.23, which is based on the following statistical methods: arithmetic average, standard deviation, relative importance, arithmetic mean. Test t) for one sample. One of the most important results of the study is that the company in question is committed to social responsibility according to the aforementioned fields and to a large extent.
The research aims to study the relationship between social capital development of: a commitment of workers to the work value and ethic and trust building, and the development of networks of social relations, and investment potential of the library to improve the service of society, and the promotion of the activities of public libraries between public beneficiaries. Descriptive methodology has been adopted to include all staff who are working at Directorate of Culture in Latakia province libraries, amounting to almost (154) employees, due to the small size of the research population. Comprehensive survey has been used, it was distributed to (154) workers, a (141) questionnaires were found suitable for analysis, and the response rate was (91.56%). The research found the following results: *There is positive and significant relationship between workers commitment to workers values and ethic and the promotion of public libraries between user, where (66.3%) of the developments in the promotion of the activities of public libraries between audience beneficiaries changes interpreted by employees to the values and work ethic commitment. *There is positive and significant relationship between confidence and strengthen the relationship between the public library community and the promotion of activities between the public beneficiaries building, where (57.2%) of the developments in the promotion of the activities of public libraries between audience beneficiaries changes interpreted build confidence and strengthen the relationship with the library community. *There is positive and significant relationship between the network of social relations in public libraries development and promotion of activities between the public beneficiaries relationship, where that (52.3%) of the developments in the promotion of the activities of public libraries between audience beneficiaries changes interpret the development of the network of social relations. *There is positive and significant relationship between the investment public library potential development to improve community services and the promotion of activities between the public beneficiaries, where that (49.1%) of the developments in the promotion of the activities of public libraries between audience beneficiaries changes interpreted Investment Public Library potential for improving community services development.
The concept of competitive advantage occupies an important place in the strategic management, which is the most successful way that enables the Foundation to achieve superiority over its competitors by using the appropriate marketing strategy, as wel l as to attract customers and increase the value perceived by them and to achieve satisfaction. The current research addresses the role of marketing strategies in creating a competitive advantage in the Syrian Commercial Bank in Lattakia Governorate, and to achieve objectives of the research was designed to identify, and applied to a sample of employees in the bank amounted to /181/ factor, and after discussion and analysis has been reached following results: The marketing strategies applied in the Syrian Commercial Bank enables the bank to obtain a competitive advantage by having a clear strategic vision for development, and his quest to study the situation of banks, competition and improve working through ongoing contact with customers, and adopt a strategy of providing promotional programs attractive and commensurate with the capabilities of the bank, and provides appropriate solutions to all problems faced by the bank, as shown by the strategy's strengths and weaknesses and considering the marketing environment internal and external. Enable marketing strategies applied in the Commercial Bank of Syria of reducing the cost of services provided to customers, and raise the quality of banking services provided, and to influence the response to the client.

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