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The role of marketing strategies in creating a competitive advantage in the banking sector: A Field Study of Syrian Commercial Bank in Latakia Governorate

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 نشر من قبل جامعة تشرين مقالة
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث اقتصاد
والبحث باللغة العربية
 تمت اﻹضافة من قبل امانة التحرير مجلة جامعة تشرين

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The concept of competitive advantage occupies an important place in the strategic management, which is the most successful way that enables the Foundation to achieve superiority over its competitors by using the appropriate marketing strategy, as well as to attract customers and increase the value perceived by them and to achieve satisfaction. The current research addresses the role of marketing strategies in creating a competitive advantage in the Syrian Commercial Bank in Lattakia Governorate, and to achieve objectives of the research was designed to identify, and applied to a sample of employees in the bank amounted to /181/ factor, and after discussion and analysis has been reached following results: The marketing strategies applied in the Syrian Commercial Bank enables the bank to obtain a competitive advantage by having a clear strategic vision for development, and his quest to study the situation of banks, competition and improve working through ongoing contact with customers, and adopt a strategy of providing promotional programs attractive and commensurate with the capabilities of the bank, and provides appropriate solutions to all problems faced by the bank, as shown by the strategy's strengths and weaknesses and considering the marketing environment internal and external. Enable marketing strategies applied in the Commercial Bank of Syria of reducing the cost of services provided to customers, and raise the quality of banking services provided, and to influence the response to the client.

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This study focuses on the role of the marketing Information system in preparation the competitive strategies in Syrian public banks. This study deals the marketing Information system and its resources and kinds, in addition to the definition of compe titive strategies. The researcher has act appraisement the following competitive strategies in studied banks, and known marketing Information system and his role in formulation competitive strategies. the competitive strategies when applying this system. The researcher through personal interviews and giving out questionnaire too the employees and customers arrived many results which is the existence positive effect of marketing Information system on competitive strategies. In addition, there a big importance for application marketing Information system in suitable and effective form for preparation and formulation the suitable competitive strategy.
The research aims to study the role of marketing intelligence in creating competitive vigilance at the branches of the commercial bank and branches of Bemo Bank operating in the Syrian coast.. The researcher used the descriptive approach and develo ped a questionnaire to collect preliminary data about research sample’s vocabularies, which was a simple consists of Staff (head of department / manager) was on the Syrian coast. The questionnaire was distributed to the staff of the banks in the study, where they reached 79 employees, but only 66 of them were valid questionnaires. The questionnaire used a Likert Scale )five points scale). Furthermore, the analysis used statistical indicators that were appropriate for nominal and grade data. Finally, reliability and validity of honesty testing was conducted to determine the suitability of questionnaire’s questions to the research goal, as well as a set of testing differences between averages. The research concluded the following findings: 1.There is statistically significant relationship between marketing intelligence and its ability to achieve competitive vigilance at organizations. 2.There is a correlation significant relationship between competitor’s position and attitude study and achieving competitive vigilance. 3.There is a correlation significant relationship between customers’ study and achieving competitive vigilance.
This paper deals with the role of marketing in the banking system to increase the competitiveness of the Syrian commercial banks through the study of the relationship between each of the (banking services, pricing, promotion and distribution) and inc reasing the competitiveness of these banks. As well as the study of the difference between the commercial banks in the public and private use of the elements of the marketing mix banking. The research on the descriptive approach, and included the research community all employees in commercial banks, public and private in the Syrian coast, totaling (527) factor, were distributed (222) identification of the workers have been identified using the law of the sample statistical re-ones (204) questionnaire response rate (91.89%), and the questionnaires were distributed between the (129) questionnaire for public banks, and (75) the identification of the private banks. And using appropriate statistical methods was reached the following results: There is a direct correlation and acceptable significant correlation between the use of a combination of banking services in the commercial banks and their ability to compete in the banking market. The existence of a positive relationship and a weak significant differences between the use of each of (the pricing of banking services, the promotion of banking services, distribution services, banking) in commercial banks and their ability to compete in the banking market.The lack of significant differences between public and private banks in the use of the elements of the marketing mix banking (banking services, pricing, promotion, distribution) to enhance their competitiveness in the banking market.
The research aims to identify the role of Relationship Marketing in enhancing the competitive advantage of insurance companies, through the study of the relationship between the dimensions of marketing relations, represented by: trust, interaction, c ommitment, communication, loyalty, and strengthen competitive advantage. Adopted Find descriptive approach, which included the research community customers who reviewed the insurance companies in Latakia province during the period of application of research, amounting to three months, with the researcher during this period distributed (185) to identify customers at random, so as to explore their views on the role of Relationship Marketing in promoting competitive advantage in the insurance companies that deal with it, and was restored (173) to identify complete and valid for statistical analysis, and response rate (93.51%). Based on simple regression analysis and show the relationship between the two variables Search reach and there is a significant moral positive correlation between each dimension of marketing dimensions of relations, and enhance the competitive advantage of companies in the study, since the marketing performance of good companies under study been able to keep existing customers, and the acquisition of new customers, and to achieve growth rates in transactions with these customers by building relationships with them based achieve satisfaction and provide goods and services of great value.
The research aims at finding out the role of the electronic banking services provided by the Commercial Bank of Syria in increasing customers' satisfaction, as well as focusing on customers' satisfaction because of its importance and its role in achi eving the competitive advantage in the delivery of services in the banking sector, which represents an area of competition between public banks and private banks. Also, it aims at stating the extent of the employees' participation in the bank under study regarding their eagerness to achieve customers' satisfaction. At the end, the research presents a summary of the most important findings. It also presents some proposals and recommendations that will further improve the level of electronic banking services and achieving customers' satisfaction inorder to compete at a global level through a field study using a questionnaire designed for this purpose.

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