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Identify the factors affecting the profitability of commercial banks using multivariate analysis: A field study in the Commercial Bank of Syria in Latakia province

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 نشر من قبل جامعة تشرين مقالة
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث اقتصاد
والبحث باللغة العربية
 تمت اﻹضافة من قبل امانة التحرير مجلة جامعة تشرين

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The research aims to identify the factors affecting the profitability of commercial banks, arranged according to their relative importance, and the comparison between commercial banks, public and private about the factors that affect their profitability. The research descriptive analytical method. One of the most important results: 1- affected the profitability of commercial banks Syrian combination of factors can be classified in two categories: internal factors and external factors. 2- different factors affecting the profitability of commercial banks in the relative importance of, and the most influential factor was economic and political conditions, and employing resources, legislation and legal and banking controls. While the age of the bank and the number of bank employees less influential factor. 3- There are no statistically significant differences between commercial banks, public and private in the internal and external factors that affect their profitability.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The research aims at identifying the factors affecting the returns of loan portfolios of private commercial banks in Syria during the period (2007- 2012), where it was studying the behavior of the dependent variable represented in (Yield Loan Portfol ios) and the independent variables of (employment rate of deposits in loans, the size of the bank liquidity the age of the bank, the number of branches, and the capital adequacy ratio) is studied. Research findings There is a significant positive effect for independent variables, such as age of the bank, capital adequacy ratio (except Byblos Bank Syria) affecting loan portfolios returns on private commercial banks under study. There is not a statistically significant effect for independent variables like employment rates of deposits in loans, the size of the bank, and liquidity (except Byblos Bank Syria), and the number of the bank branches (except Bank of Syria and overseas) returns on the loan portfolios private commercial banks under study.
The objective of this study is to assess the reality of the professional commitment of the employees in the private commercial banks in lattakia Governorate, The researchers identified three types of functional commitment, which included both Affecti ve commitment, Continuance commitment, and Normative commitment. The researchers distributed a questionnaire to a random sample of 77 workers. Each questionnaire included 24 phrases that measured the three types of commitment. They calculated the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient to measure the stability of the scale, The t-test was used for one sample to test the hypotheses, The researchers found results showing high degrees of functional commitment of all three types, but at varying degrees, where the mean of the responses on the expressions that measured the three types of commitment was Greater than the mean neutrality of the scale.
This paper deals with the role of marketing in the banking system to increase the competitiveness of the Syrian commercial banks through the study of the relationship between each of the (banking services, pricing, promotion and distribution) and inc reasing the competitiveness of these banks. As well as the study of the difference between the commercial banks in the public and private use of the elements of the marketing mix banking. The research on the descriptive approach, and included the research community all employees in commercial banks, public and private in the Syrian coast, totaling (527) factor, were distributed (222) identification of the workers have been identified using the law of the sample statistical re-ones (204) questionnaire response rate (91.89%), and the questionnaires were distributed between the (129) questionnaire for public banks, and (75) the identification of the private banks. And using appropriate statistical methods was reached the following results: There is a direct correlation and acceptable significant correlation between the use of a combination of banking services in the commercial banks and their ability to compete in the banking market. The existence of a positive relationship and a weak significant differences between the use of each of (the pricing of banking services, the promotion of banking services, distribution services, banking) in commercial banks and their ability to compete in the banking market.The lack of significant differences between public and private banks in the use of the elements of the marketing mix banking (banking services, pricing, promotion, distribution) to enhance their competitiveness in the banking market.
The concept of competitive advantage occupies an important place in the strategic management, which is the most successful way that enables the Foundation to achieve superiority over its competitors by using the appropriate marketing strategy, as wel l as to attract customers and increase the value perceived by them and to achieve satisfaction. The current research addresses the role of marketing strategies in creating a competitive advantage in the Syrian Commercial Bank in Lattakia Governorate, and to achieve objectives of the research was designed to identify, and applied to a sample of employees in the bank amounted to /181/ factor, and after discussion and analysis has been reached following results: The marketing strategies applied in the Syrian Commercial Bank enables the bank to obtain a competitive advantage by having a clear strategic vision for development, and his quest to study the situation of banks, competition and improve working through ongoing contact with customers, and adopt a strategy of providing promotional programs attractive and commensurate with the capabilities of the bank, and provides appropriate solutions to all problems faced by the bank, as shown by the strategy's strengths and weaknesses and considering the marketing environment internal and external. Enable marketing strategies applied in the Commercial Bank of Syria of reducing the cost of services provided to customers, and raise the quality of banking services provided, and to influence the response to the client.
The research aims to study the impact of information technology on the quality of banking services in the branches of the Commercial Bank of Syria province of Latakia. To achieve the objectives of the research, a questionnaire was developed and distr ibuted to 201 workers, and (183) questionnaire were suitable to analyze, a response rate (91.04%), and based on applying simple regression to assess the relationship between the information technology and the quality of banking service dimensions, the research found the following results: 1- There is a strong and positive correlation between the hardware equipment and the quality of banking service, where it was found that (79.7%) of the discrepancy in the quality of banking services is explained after the equipment. 2- There is a strong and positive correlation between a online banking service and service quality, it was found that (69.2%) of the discrepancy in the quality of banking services is explained after the Internet. 3- There is a strong and positive correlation between communications and banking service quality, where it was found that (65.9%) of the discrepancy in the quality of banking services is explained after the communication. 4- There are acceptable and positive correlation between post-efficiency of human resources and banking service quality, where it was found that (59.9%) of the discrepancy in the quality of banking services is explained by the efficiency of human resources.

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